100% Georgia Beef
We use only the best quality Georgia bred beef, Hickory Smoked to Perfection.

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Find us at these Fine Locations:
Sweet Treats Cannery Morgan Dairy Golf Course
1256 S. Hwy 21 525 Morgan Dairy Rd.
Springfield, GA. 31329 Griffin, GA. 30224
The Bohemian Den Gold Lion Farm
502 Cherry St. 22 N. Mulberry St.
Macon, GA. 31201 Jackson, GA. 30233
Huff’s Market Primm Valley Golf Course
488 W. GA Hwy 49 1 Yates Well Rd.
Milledgeville, GA. 31061 Nipton, CA. 92364
Whitstone Golf Course Woodstock Farmer’s Mkt
10650 Benbrook Blvd. 979 W. Woodstock Rd.
Benbrook, TX. 76162 Woodstock, VT. 05091